Spencer Hodge was born in 1943 and attended the Hastings School of Art and the Royal West of England Academy. After such formal and academic art training he spent six years illustrating books and teaching material for the Medical Research Council. The dissection and drawing of the human body which this work involved gave him a profound understanding of the mechanics and structure of form.
After leaving England, Spencer Hodge traveled widely, undertaking long field trips for international conservation organisations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature. He journeyed to places such as India, West Africa (the game-rich areas of Tanzania and Kenya) and the United Arab Emirates.
Spencer Hodge

Many of these trips culminated in successful exhibitions to raise funds for specific conservation projects including, for example, a Bahamas National Trust exhibition under the patronage of, and opened by, HRH the Duke of Edinburgh which targeted the rare Bahamian Parrot. More recently, Spencer organised a fund-raising evening and auction in the Principality of Monaco for the Ranthambhore Foundation, which is working to save the Indian Tiger. The evening was a huge success.
Spencer Hodge has acquired a reputation as one of the finest Wildlife Artists. His work is exhibited by leading Galleries throughout Europe and America and over 40 limited edition prints of his work have now been published.
Spencer's passion for nature and wildlife has proved to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration thoughout his career. The many hundreds of hours spent studying wild animals and birds in their natural habitat are truly reflected in the precision and realism of his dramatic work.